It’s estimated there are around 8 million lone workers in the UK – defined as individuals who often work without direct supervision. They might not work completely alone, but do need to travel and work between lots of different locations and are not in the physical proximity of other employees.
Depending on the sector they work in, lone workers can be exposed to a variety of risks, which is why its of upmost importance that they are protected through safeguarding procedures and personal safety technology that can help lone workers access help and support when needed.
Lone Worker Protection
In order to manage risk and escalate alerts for lone workers, it’s integral that a business puts the correct processes and tech in place to protect them. This helps to give workers the security and confidence that they are working in safe environments and can access help quickly when necessary. It also means that a company is meeting compliance and legal regulations.
- A business can reduce the risk that a lone worker could be facing in their day-to-day job role and put their security first.
- Monitor employees and be able to quickly track where they are when they need assistance in an emergency.
- Give employees the confidence to perform their duties, knowing that they can contact and request help swiftly. This can help with recruitment and retention.
- Avoid financial or other potential penalties from not keeping lone workers safe and not complying with regulations.
Mobile Solutions
Offering mobile technology to lone workers gives them better ways to communicate and access support. Here at Steanne, GeoSafeguard can contact and track lone workers, ensuring safety and protection whenever they’re on duty. When workers are non-responsive, a company can receive visual and audible alerts and easily track their last active location in order to check on their safety.
Other features include:
- Panic Alarm
- Worker Selectable Risk Levels
- Configurable Alert Countdown and Shift Assignment
- Comprehensive Auditing and Reporting
- Filter Workers by Departments and Sites
- Map Portal display and GPS Location Tracking
This type of tech-enabled lone worker protection is really flexible and allows a company to use features that suit the business and the duties that lone workers are carrying out. Shift patterns and risk levels can all be pre-determined and altered, depending on the changing situation.
Companies can access real-time data on their lone workers, to keep them safe. The ability to have full visibility over a remote workforce can empower the company and its employees. Everyone can feel more focused on their job role and in turn, more productive, as it helps to reduce anxieties over personal safety and compliance.
Mobile solutions for lone workers puts their needs at the forefront of a business and enables them to feel more valued at work and protected in their role.
For more information about protecting lone workers and a walk-through of what GeoSafeguard can help achieve for your business and your lone workers, get in touch with our team of experienced professionals at Steanne.