How to Ensure Efficient Work Planning at your Company

If your business relies on the cooperation and labour of work crews and engineers, then efficient work planning is essential for the smooth running of the company. There can be multiple jobs going on simultaneously which require good management and handling in order to complete projects, especially several ongoing projects at once.

At Steanne Solutions, we supply a GeoWorks7 Work Planning module, where mapping, data and filters can be used to easily and seamlessly assess an array of jobs at once and manage workload.


With GeoWorks7 Work Planning, it’s simple to generate data from inspection patrol which can be collected by mobile devices, imported from a website or CRM system, or even created manually. The main ethos behind the module is to deliver high quality service to customers and having access to so much data in real-time allows your business to do that.

Each job you create may be issued individually or you can organise jobs by group, by priority or work type onto a Works Order, which you then send to print or deliver to an onsite mobile device.

  • Cyclic maintenance jobs and orders are set to be accessed at any stage, making it easy to keep an eye on costs including schedule of rates items, total cost per job with ongoing comparisons to the budget allocation for the contract. This is an important metric for financial planning and control with a project, allowing for tweaks to be made, so costs don’t spiral.
  • Specific tasks (groups of several SoR items) can be pre-set for work types, making multiple job creation a hassle-free process, especially when you’re juggling lots of projects at once.
  • NRSWA (EToN6) Actual Start and Work Stop notices may be generated and sent for each order as appropriate too.


GeoWorks Planning allows you to filter and switch between Target Date, Location, Category, Priority, Gang or Job Number, which helps you to quickly see jobs that are close to completion and spot if there are any issues that need rectifying/closer inspection.

If your employees and crews are using GPS enabled equipment then this can be displayed on the map and show all current jobs and there’s a drag and drop function to easily allocate jobs to crews and check on the progress of jobs.

Work programmes, outstanding work, materials used and job status reports can be generated and checked on. There’s also a live TV display showing current performance against contract service levels.

Mobile Working

In Planning mode, once you’ve got a new job to allocate to a work crew you can also use the Steanne Solutions GeoMobile software to deliver this to a crew’s mobile device.

A work crew can access displays that give them a data and mapping views and encourage them to input job information, with simple input options, which show completed job details and can easily log other info.

For more information about any GeoWorks products and how to integrate them into your business, contact our experienced team today.

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