The GeoWorks7 Work Planning module enables efficient handling of multiple jobs and differing work types for allocation to a large number of engineers or work crews. All current jobs are displayed in either mapping or data views or a combination of both, and may be filtered by Target Date, Location, Category, Priority, Gang or Job Number as required. A colour coded job status display enables rapid identification of jobs which are due for completion or getting close to their target dates.
Jobs may be assigned either individually or in groups to field staff or work crews. The positions of personnel using GPS enabled mobile devices are displayed on the map and jobs may be allocated to them by a simple “drag and drop” option. Allocated jobs are sent directly to each work crew using Steanne Solutions GeoMobile software. Reports of outstanding work programmes, together with materials used, cost per job and job status reports are available.
NRSWA (EToN6) notices may be generated and sent or updated for each order as appropriate. A selection of Job Progress reports is available, together with a live TV display showing current performance against contract service levels.