Steanne has produced mobile surveying (GPS and GIS) systems for the surveying market for several years and have developed more specialised handheld options for the local authorities and contractors in the Highways and Streetlighting sectors. Our mobile systems provide all the required functionality to conduct inspections, record defects, create new or edit existing assets, and to receive and return jobs using either tablets or PDAs.
GeoMobile is a versatile mobile system that offers a variety of functions including data collection, inspections and maintenance jobs. Used in conjunction with GeoWorks7 or with other external systems, GeoMobile provides a fully integrated solution to assist with reducing the quantity of on-site paperwork such as Risk Assessments or Method Statements.
GeoSafeguard enables the safety of mobile personnel (lone workers) to be monitored in a very simple and cost effective manner using Windows Mobile PDAs or Android smartphones by automatically performing the potentially time-consuming and costly task of contacting and tracking lone workers on a regular basis.
GeoGrad, GeoGrad CE and SteanneMobileWorker
GeoGrad was originally designed for Survey works, GIS Field Data Collection and Data Management Operations (using tablet computers such as Panasonic Toughbooks) together with its smaller brother GeoGrad CE, using PDAs for inspection patrols and maintenance jobs.
Steanne Mobile Worker is a later mobile system that was designed primarily to work with the Geoworks7 Routine Maintenance Management System (RMMS) module for conducting routine inspections, logging defects or editing asset details, and has often been used where very high level GPS accuracy has been required.
Geograd and Geograd CE are now over ten years old; both these and Steanne Mobile Worker have now been replaced by our more recent GeoMobile system.